Monday, April 28, 2014

Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson
In chapters 1-3 of Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson, by Joseph Vogel, he explains the major points of Jackson's career and how he becomes one of the most inspirational artists in music. Vogel explains how Jackson breaks through the racial barriers as a black artist making him globally famous. Vogel emphasizes Jackson's fame throughout the section sand he states the Jackson's importance to many around the world. Vogel also examines Jackson's work ethics and stresses the effort put Michael put into making his songs. Vogel explains how quickly Jackson became known world-wide and focuses on how inspirational Jackson was to the black community. Vogel concludes the section by explaining the effect of Jackson's death on the world.

Vogel, Joseph. Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson. New York: Sterling, 2011. Print.