Friday, March 21, 2014

Music survey

Click here to take survey
According to our survey music is very popular in our classroom. Hip-Hop/Rap and Rock are the most listened to music in our classroom. Country and electronic/dance were tied at 21% each. 14% picked other music so a few people don't like any of these genres which is rare because these genres are some of the most popular genres. 64% of the class listened to music more than two hours a day, which is a lot! More people don't play an instrument by about 7%. 85% of people listen to different genres of music when they are in different moods.  People like guitar and or other types of instruments in our classroom.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Discussion Question Blog Post #3

Analyze why Helen still wants to talk to Cooper and play with the band even after all he has done. Helen truly believes that Cooper has changed and that he is a good person now. Helen's opinion about Cooper changes over time throughout the book but she really finds out who he is when she kisses him for the first time. The other major turning point of Helen's opinions is when she finds out the truth about what Cooper has been planning all along, but Cooper reassures her that he changed his mind about trying to get her to change schools. As he is telling her all this Cooper finally tells Helen that he loves her. After the talk in the bathroom with Cooper, Helen finally changes her mind and decides she will continue playing with the bans at the Battle of the Bands. Cooper's band start the performance without Helen and he has doubts that Helen tricked him into making a fool of himself. However, in the bands time of need Helen finally arrives ready to rock. "We're dying. If Helen doesn't get out here soon, there'll be no reviving this fading patient...But then  the crowd parts and I see it's something else entirely. It's Helen"(264-265). Helen comes back to play with the band because she knows Cooper was telling her the truth. Helen also knows that without her singing the band would be a total wreck; she doesn't want that to happen to Cooper because she cares about him to much. Helen realized that even the people who seem like the worst can change.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Discussion Question Blog Post #2

Describe how Helen effects the band.
Helen completes the band and is the perfect singer for the position. The band is badly in need of a new singer and Cooper is searching everywhere to find one. Helen, an unusual pick, ends up to be the best singer the band could get. Helen comes over on the weekend to work on the health project with Cooper; the band is still rehearsing when she walks in and Cooper's dad asks Helen to sing. The band's talent increases tenfold and Helen decides to join. "We do three bars then Helen leaps in with a perfectly-pitched knock-you-on-your-ass rock-and-roll scream"(158-159). Helen was the miracle the band needed and she came at the perfect time. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Discussion Question Blog Post #1

Cooper has to make a tough decision about the Battle of the Bands.
Cooper and friends participate in the Battle.
Cooper uses the Battle of the Bands to get out of his situation with Helen in Beat the BandCooper participates in the Battle of the Bands because he thinks his band can win first place. He also thinks that if his band wins first place everyone will forget his old problem about being partners with Helen and all his troubles will be gone forever. What Cooper doesn't realizes is that his band sucks, and if they preform poorly on stage it will make his problem even worse. Participating in the Battle of the Bands is a huge risk for Cooper, but he is willing to put in the effort to make sure the band is up to par by the time of the competition. Cooper learns of the competition through a flyer in the halls as he is looking for a solution to his problem. "They're doing a Battle of the Bands, I wonder who'll be playing?" "We will" I say,"(25-26). The Battle of the Bands, the only solution to Cooper's problem. Winning first place will not only solve his problem forever, but it will boost his reputation for the rest of high school. However, Cooper's reputation will only get worse if the band is as terrible as when it started. Cooper makes the choice to take the risk, which in turn will predict his fate in high school.